Maurie, Margaret and me | Garth’s story

GARTH Evans was but a babe in arms when his father, the Carlton ruckman Maurie Sankey, was killed in a car accident five kilometres north of Wangaratta.

“Mum and Dad were engaged, I was born in July 1965 and Dad died that November. I was four months old,” Garth said.

Now 53, Garth returned to the old Carlton ground this week to share precious photographs and hand-me-down tales of the father he never knew and the mother whose passing last August at the age of 82 is still profoundly felt.

Maurice Graham (Maurie) Sankey’s life and untimely death is well-known. Recruited from Tasmanian club Latrobe in 1958, he was part of the cast of Carlton followers which included the great John Nicholls, Ken Greenwood, Graham Donaldson and Brian Buckley.

It’s interesting to note that as someone who “sailed close to the wind” by those who knew him on Royal Parade, the adventuresome Maurie inherited the nickname ‘Garth’ – a reference to the British comic strip action hero according to former teammate Ian Collins.

Maurie Sankey, Carlton footballer, 1965.

At 25, Maurie turned out for what would be his 100th and final appearance for Carlton – the 17th Round match of 1965 against Richmond at Princes Park. In recognition of the milestone, the committed tap ruckman and vice-captain was presented with a silver tray (since handed down to Garth by Maurie’s sister Lurlene).

A few months later, on the evening of Sunday, November 21, 1965, Maurie would be dead.

“Maurice had been on a golf trip and was behind the wheel of an EH Holden, when he tried to overtake a semi-trailer on the Hume Highway,” Garth said.

“Unfortunately that semi was directly behind another semi and Maurice couldn’t get back into the lane. Another car came the other way, both swerved to the right, but hit eachother head-on. He was killed in the accident, as were two people in the other.

“Maurice might have been wearing a lap belt in his bench seat, but really there was no protection. He got a broken neck and was killed instantly and the three other guys in Maurice’s car got out of it pretty much unscathed.

Maurie’s funeral, at the Brunswick Baptist Church in Sydney Road, was reported inThe Sun News-Pictorial. Chief mourners included Margaret, Maurie’s mother Vera and siblings Barry and Lurlene. The then Carlton President George Harris paid tribute to “a great team man who supported all club activities and helped young players” and Maurie’s old teammates Graeme Anderson, Collins, Gordon Collis, Berkeley Cox, Wes Lofts and Sergio Silvagni acted as pall bearers.

Maurie takes a towering mark against Richmond, Punt Road Oval, Round 5, 1963.

At Springvale Cemetery’s HN Featonby Lawn section Maurie was laid to rest, after his funeral cortege had passed the old Carlton ground for the last time.

It is almost certain that Maurie met Garth’s mother Margaret Evans at Carlton. As Garth said, “Margaret was a long-time supporter and while I’m not sure whether she met Maurice inside the club or outside the club I think it was more likely inside”.

“Mum used to tell me about Maurice, that he was a real knockabout fun guy, a bit of a risk taker and someone who lived life on the edge,” Garth said.

“He played the game hard and he played life hard.”

But if Maurie was the hard man, then Margaret – who was still dealing with the tragic loss of her first husband when she and Maurie met – was positively stoic.

Born in the northern suburb of Eltham, the second of eight children of Jack and Margaret Mynott, Margaret was raised in a working class family through the trying years of the Second World War. To quote Garth: “The family wasn’t really well off, Mum left school early and married quite young”.

In 1955, Margaret exchanged vows with her first husband, John Robert Evans, to whom she bore three sons Larry, Michael and Joel – the stepfather of the former Melbourne AFLW captain Daisy Pearce who, not surprisingly, followed her beloved Blues as a kid.

Tragically, Margaret would be left to fend for her three boys when in December 1961 her husband drowned in an incident which also claimed the lives of her brother-in-law and another man.

“Robert got caught in a rip down the back of Rye at Koonya Beach,” Garth said.

“Terribly, my Aunty’s husband also lost his life in the same incident, as did an off-duty ambulance officer who ran down to help.”

Not long after the tragedy, Margaret found work at the Carlton Football Club as typist and bookkeeper for the then Senior Coach the late Ken Hands.

Margaret Evans and Maurie Sankey, place unknown, circa 1965.

It was all pretty simple. The position was advertised, Margaret applied and she got the job – and as Garth suggested: “Mum was most likely one of the first women employed at a football club”.

“I reckon Mum worked for Ken through 1963 and ’64. My older brothers remember having the run of the club whenever they followed her into work,” Garth said.

Following Maurie’s awful demise, Margaret was again left to pick up the pieces and fend for her four sons – and to her eternal credit she found a way.

As the years rolled on and her boys entered into adulthood, Margaret found more time to pursue a myriad of interests, politics included. Through the heady days of the 1970s, from the “It’s Time” campaign onwards, she committed wholeheartedly to the Labor Party.

“I reckon her support of Labor was a throwback to her working class origins,” Garth said. “She also worked for Legal Aid in Preston and through 1973 and ’74 she served as the first secretary of the Eltham Basketball Club, which is now a huge club, and her name is on the Honour Board there.

“At the age of 50 she went back to school. She earned her VCE and later got a Bachelor of Arts at Latrobe. She was also a very good creative writer and she penned lots of nice pieces.”

In 1991, Margaret exchanged marital vows with Keith Davies, a South Australian who, like her, had been married previously. Their union would endure for more than a quarter of a century until Keith’s death in September 2017, just 12 weeks after he was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease.

Less than a year later, Margaret also died, for Keith’s passing hit her hard – as it did her four sons. As Garth said: “There wasn’t really a father figure until later in our lives through Keith. He became a stepdad from 1991 onwards and we grew closer to him over time”.

But through it all, Margaret’s love for Carlton never waned. In fact, it only intensified, particularly through the early 1980s, when Garth turned out in Dark Navy for the Trevor Keogh-coached Under 19s.

Margaret Evans and her second husband Keith Davies, Premiership night 1995.

For Garth, these were happy days.

“I was invited down to Carlton to train under the father/son rule by Ian Collins and I still have the invitation on the club’s Avco Finance letterhead,” Garth said.

“I came down in late 1982, played with the thirds through 1983 and 1984 and managed one reserve grade appearance in a star-studded line-up in the ’84 season . . . and I loved every second of it.

“There was a game here at Princes Park, the only home game for the year as the others were played at Glenferrie Oval, where I managed to boot eight against Fitzroy as my Mum and my aunt, who was very sick at the time, watched on.

In 2011, Margaret completed a sentimental journey back to the old ground, this time with Garth and Maurie’s old teammate, the 1964 Brownlow Medallist Gordon Collis. Gordon had roomed with Maurie and another teammate John Reilly in a house at 19 Berry Street Coburg at the time of Maurie’s death.

Margaret, Garth and Gordon filed into the club’s theatrette to view rare home movie film, shot in early ’65 at the Balnarring seaside escape of the then Chairman of Selectors Jack Wrout, of the Carlton players’ first pre-season under Ron Barassi’s watch.

Featured in that precious film were flickering images of Maurie and Gordon riding bareback on a horse, which pleased the three theatregoers no end.

“Having Maurie as a father is a great source of pride. I was always proud of what he did at Carlton, I’ve always loved the club and I loved my time here as well,” said Garth, who is himself a proud father of Jami (30), Lachlan (24) and Liam (21).

“As I said in Tassie when Maurice was inducted into the Tasmanian Football Hall of Fame, it’s a great honour. But it’s such a long time ago that he died and it was totally unexpected.

“If he (Maurie) had lived on life would have been a lot different for me. In terms of football alone I was a footballer with a fair bit of potential, but was a bit busy off the field and not quite disciplined enough . . . so that stern male figure I didn’t have might have helped a bit.”

And Margaret?

“Mum was a very resilient woman,” Garth said. “She scraped through after Maurie died and they were hard days I think.

“Mum and I were very close, as were the other boys, because she was all we had.

“She was Mum and Dad to us.”

Blast from the Past – Our 2007 Function Keynote Address


Keynote Address
The President of the Carlton Football Club Dick Pratt, Directors of the Board, players both past and present, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

What an honour it is for me to talk to you today about the Carlton Football Club and what the spirit of Carlton means to me.

It’s a little more than 30 years since I first set foot in the Carlton changerooms – a kid from Kyneton with nothing more than a kit bag and a cause, to play senior football for the mighty Blues.

It was 1976 – the year Australia completed a 5-1 test series whitewash of the West Indies and Van der Hum won the Melbourne Cup in a flash flood.

It was also the year “Skinny” Lappin was born in Chiltern!

I’d only played six senior games in the Bendigo Football league when I joined Carlton that year, but i can still remember what the then Chairman of Selectors Wes Lofts said to me after I was selected for my first senior game against Footscray.

“Son, there’s a great opportunity here if you give it your best shot”.
I was 16 when i first opened the squeaky door to my no. 16 locker. The locker carried the names of Payne, Mooring and Sankey.

Back then I didn’t know who Billy Payne, Jim Mooring or Maurie Sankey were . . . To me they were just words etched in white enamel on dark navy steel.

Billy Payne was best on the ground in the first Carlton premiership team of 1906 and he was there to complete the premiership hat-trick in ’07 and ’08.

Jimmy Mooring shed blood in the famous bloodbath grand final of 1945.
And Maurie Sankey was a 100-game ruckman whose career was tragically cut short when he was killed in a car accident.

When I first walked into the Carlton rooms back in ’76, I could almost smell the success. The walls were plastered with black and white images of 200-game greats – and men of stature like “Big Nick”, “Wallsy” and “Jezza” wandered the hallowed halls deep within the bowels of the Robert Heatley stand.

The team itself was a blend of footballers of different personalities from different ends of the social scale – everyone from a would-be jockey to an eminent Rhodes Scholar.

How lucky was I? A boy from the bush with a chance to play alongside the likes of Bruce Doull, “Percy” Jones, Wayne Johnston, Wayne Harmes and Peter Bosustow – outstanding footballers who made their mark on Carlton and are still very much a part of the spirit.

Together we pushed each other to the hilt, as we gave the team our all.Together we took the Club in the one direction – forward – and if you dragged the chain you were quickly pulled into line.

That was because mediocrity wasn’t tolerated at Carlton. At Carlton there was an unwritten rule – regardless of what happened in the home and aways, you hadn’t arrived until you’d performed in finals on footy’s greatest stage, the MCG.

On the field we prided ourselves on honesty in the contest. Off it we thrived on our camaraderie, because enjoyment was such a big factor. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I know I finally “arrived” as a senior footballer the day my teammates took me down to Naughton’s for a convivial ale – which from then on was par for the course on Monday nights after training.

The Sunday morning training sessions were famous! All players would front up – including the stragglers who copped the mandatory penalty for lobbing late – and we’d all take part in games of soccer and hockey, some of them more dangerous than the games of footy we’d played the day before.

We’d then head upstairs into the Heatley stand to the players room where breakfast was ready as well as the cold beers, and we’d relax in front of the telly to watch Jack, Bob, Lou and Uncle Doug deliver some of their finest work on “World of Sport”.

I might add that these Sunday morning sessions often ran into the late hours of Sunday night.

The players of my era were all part of a deeply ingrained culture. There was no room for selfishness or self-centeredness at Carlton back then.

In those days Carlton was the pre-eminent football team. Today we’re just making up the numbers and we cannot tolerate second best!

The spirit of Carlton is all about loyalty, pride and respect – respect of yourself, respect of your teammates and respect of the navy blue guernsey. It’s also about honesty of performance; of maintaining the great history and tradition of Carlton and adhering to the Carlton ethic which is winning.

The spirit went missing for a while, but I can now sense its resurgence amongst the young playing group. We’ve posted a record membership under the helm of Dick Pratt, the only current president to have actually played for his Club.

Dick, on behalf of all the people in this room, together with our members and our hundreds of thousands of supporters, I say “thank you for what you have done for Carlton in its greatest hour of need”. The Club was a shambles when you took the helm, but you’ve revived the spirit and taken Carlton to a place where it is once again striving for success both on and off the field.

In the 17 years since I gave the game away, Scott Camporeale has worn the no.16 into 233 games for Carlton, including the Club’s last grand final triumph of 1995.

Today the no.16 is worn by Shaun Grigg – the boy from North Ballarat – who has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to carve his own niche in Carlton’s history and get his name on the no.16 locker.

To Shaun and all the other Carlton senior players of today, I ask you to have a look around the room, to those like Dick Pratt, Ken Hands, Freddy Stafford, Ray Garby, Geoff Southby, Trevor Keogh, David Rhys-Jones, Jon Dorotich, Richard Dennis, Mark Maclure and many more . . . men who are here for no other reason than that they love Carlton and they know what the real Carlton represents.
Like them, I want to see one of the world’s oldest and greatest sporting institutions returned to its rightful place at the top of the ladder.

As “Sticks” Kernahan put it– “we are Carlton . . . . You know the rest!”.

Many of the past players in this room have come back to help rekindle the spirit of Carlton – a spirit which has underscored the successes of this great Club over the past 143 years and contributed to Carlton’s rich and illustrious history.

Now is the time for the players of this great Club to make their own history, and in closing I say this to you;

Boys, when you head back to Princes Park for training this week, take a moment to look at the names on your locker and think about those great Carlton men who have gone before.

Above all, remember what Wes Lofts once said: “there’s a great opportunity here – just give it your best shot” . . . And have no regrets.


A tribute to John Perriam

FOOTBALL clubs comprise many people, from the eminently recognisable to the quiet achiever. Carlton Life Member John Perriam, who died on Australia Day at the lofty age of 89, fell into the latter category.

Until last year, when ill health forced him to curtail his football club activities, Perriam committed his energies as a dedicated volunteer – just as he had done for the better part of six decades through Carlton’s most successful epoch both on and off the field.

John Frederick Perriam’s official links with his beloved Blues can be sourced to the early 1960s by way of Allen Cowie, the former Carlton Secretary who later died in office.

A lifelong acquaintance, the former Carlton Premiership player, Chief Executive and President Ian Collins remembered first being introduced to Perriam by Cowie in early 1963.

“Allen and I were boarding with the Smith family in Linda Street, Moreland and it was there that I met John, who was a drinking mate of Cowie’s,” said Collins, who is to deliver the eulogy at Perriam’s funeral on Thursday.

“First impressions were that he looked like Clark Kent with his distinctive thick-rimmed glasses and he was always impeccably dressed.”

With Cowie’s imprimatur, Perriam accepted the role of Carlton Football Club Assistant Treasurer to Tom Barter. These were the Barassi years and Perriam’s name first appeared beneath Barter’s in the 1966 Annual Report. Soon after, Perriam joined the club’s Finance Committee, chaired by Graeme Emmanuel, which controlled all matters related to finance, and in 1969 he succeeded Barter as Honorary Treasurer.

Perriam fulfilled duties as Honorary Treasurer through to mid-1974 when he was seconded to the Football Club’s Board of Directors (and in 1975 the Social Club board as a delegate) – roles he would retain until standing down in May 1997.

“When I became CEO I reinstated him as Treasurer because he was such a reliable bloke,” Collins said. “He was always honorary, he never took a dime from the club ever, and the old Annual Reports always carried his address if ever something went wrong.

“He was a good bloke. He was straight down the line and he had good finance understanding without being qualified. He had his own business in partnership with another chap, and one stage he employed Bruce Doull, on reception I think, which didn’t last long because ‘Doully’ wasn’t mad on talking to people.”

On Carlton matchdays at the Docklands, through his years as CEO of Stadium Operations Ltd, Collins hosted Perriam and the likes of former players David McKay, John Reilly and Sergio Silvagni.

The aforementioned also met regularly over bowls of rigatoni and bottles of Sangiovese at Bulleen’s Veneto Club. The next lunch had been inked for February 20, but as Collins lamented: “with John’s passing we’ve had to pull the plug on that.”

Until late last year, Perriam maintained his close working relationship with Carlton through its Finance Department. Assistant Accountant Cathy Altham recalled that for many years, “John came in three days a week to assist Rhonda Stevens with payroll”.

“John checked the payrolls and did most of the payroll reconciliations. We were still using the old journal books then, so John would write up the payroll journals to be processed,” Altham said.

“When Rhonda left at the end of 2009, John continued assisting with reconciliations and looked after compiling the figures for the FBT return. He generally pitched in and assisted wherever an extra pair of hands was required.

“John used to commence very early, and came in rain, hail or scorching sun. Some mornings when I asked John what time he’d arrived he would say ‘7am’. John would laugh off our concerns about him coming into the office on days when the temperature would be in the 40s.”

Though recent health battles forced him to scale down his onsite appearances, John’s passion for the goings on at Princes Park never waned.

“I know John was passionate about his club, and some of our discussions were about the game on the weekend,” Altham said.

“But most of my discussions with John were more of a personal nature. He was a proud grandfather and much of our discussions revolved around our families. He had a wonderful sense of humour, so I enjoyed our Monday morning chats.

“He called me on the day of the club’s Christmas party. He’d been in hospital again, but was determined to try and get back to the office in January.

Perriam never made it back, but it wasn’t for want of trying. As Altham said: “If you looked up the word ‘resilience’ in the dictionary, there’d be a picture of John”.

John Perriam is survived by his wife Nanette, children and grandchildren.

A funeral service to celebrate his life will be held in the Wilson Chapel, Springvale Botanical Cemetery, 600 Princes Highway on Thursday, January 31, commencing 2.15pm.

Chris Bond 50th

Happy 50th to Chris Bond.


Career: 1990-1992
Debut: Round 2, 1990 vs Collingwood, aged 21 years, 71 days
966th Carlton Player
Games: 22
Goals: 8
Last game: Round 14, 1992 vs Fitzroy, aged 23 years, 146 days
Guernsey No. 43 (1990) and 16 (1991 – 1992).
Height: 178cm
Weight: 81kg
DOB: 26 January, 1969

Chris Bond was a hard-running defensive midfielder, or defender, taken by Carlton relatively early in the 1989 National Draft (Pick 35). Bond, a Tasmanian from the proud North Hobart club, would play 22 games for the Blues between 1990 and 1992 but wouldn’t quite make it in the rich midfield Carlton had at the time. He stood 178cms and kicked 8 goals in his brief time at the Blues.

He debuted at VFL Park, on a Saturday, and by doing so, sitting on the pine, was watching only his second game of AFL/VFL football. The only other game he had seen was the the 1987 Grand Final, as a guest of the Carlton Football Club.

Back in 1987, he was playing for Wynyard, on the North West Coast of Tasmania. After moving South in 1989, to play for North Hobart, he had a supreme season in the TFL and represented Tasmania against Victoria. Six AFL clubs expressed interest in the nuggety little Tasmanian, but Carlton won and he was picked as Carlton’s second draft choice. “A few people told me I should stay in Tassie one more year, but I was going on 21 and I’d had a good year in the TFL, and I realised it was time to come over.”

Bond expected it would take half a year to break into the Carlton midfield. He didn’t get a game in the Fosters Cup. But after a couple of blinders in practice matches and a dominating effort in the Round 1 reserves game saw Bond quickly elevated to the seniors. “Most of the advice I got was just to get out there and enjoy it.”

Bond’s first match was against Collingwood. “I was very nervous. While I was warming up, I was getting really keyed up and toey. But before I ran out, I wasn’t as nervous, I just wanted to get on with the game.” Bond spent the first quarter on the bench. Five minutes in to the second, Fraser Brown was injured. There was momentary confusion at the interchange gate, and then Bond was on!! Jamie Turner was his opponent. “When I first got out there, it was a bit strange. The ball was moving very quickly. I didn’t know if I was in the right position or not. I had to find my feet, get the feel of the game.” Bond struggled to tackle some much larger opponents when he first got on, but then took a handpass from Craig Bradley and got his first kick. “It makes a hell of a difference that first kick. I was told by a few people to kick it as long as you can. It gets all the nerves out of your system.”

Darren Saunders picked up Bond at the start of the third and continued with him until the end of the game. After dropping a mark early in the third, Bond was awarded a free for a high tackle and drove the ball forward for Simon Minton-Connell to kick his sixth goal. In the last quarter, Bond struggled to find possession, with his most effective act being a deft palm to a running Ian Herman in the middle of the ground. “I thought it was a fair game first up. He gave us a bit of zip,” said coach Alex Jesaulenko. “He’s still got a long way to go. There’s areas he has to improve in. But it was a fair game.” “I didn’t go as well as I wanted to go, but you never do. It was probably an average game. I learned a hell of a lot. I’d like to be given another go. There’s a few things I want to do. It was a great exeperience, something I’ll never forget.”

Bond would find his way to Richmond from 1993 to 1997, before he made a bit of news for the trade that Richmond would execute with him. Bond managed to rack up 100 games and boot 32 goals with the Tigers. The fledgling Dockers would give up Pick #2 for the trusty servant, a pick that would ultimately deliver Brad Ottens to the Tigers. Bond would later captain the Dockers, he played 41 games and booted 5 goals playing for Freo.

Bond coached VFL club Werribee in 2002.

Overall, Bond would play 163 games at the 3 Clubs, and move in to the position of Assistant Coach at the Bulldogs later in his career.

Career Highlights

1990 – Reserves Best First Year Player Award
1990 – Reserves Premiership Player

Vale Ron Hines

Deepest sympathies to the family of Ron “Ripper” Hines, the 58-game Carlton wingman from the wartime year of 1943 through to 1948, who died yesterday at the age of 95. The following is Ron’s story, courtesy The Blueseum –

Career : 1943 – 1948
Debut : Round 14, 1943 vs Essendon, aged 20 years, 34 days
Carlton Player No. 585
Games : 58
Goals : 21
Last Game : Round 6, 1948 vs Essendon, aged 24 years 316 days
Guernsey No. 11
Height : 165 cm (5 ft. 5 in.)
Weight : 65.5 kg (10 stone, 4 lbs.)
DOB : July 11, 1923
DOD : January 6, 2019

An honest and popular wingman who was drawn to Carlton while serving as an aircraft mechanic with the RAAF in World War II, Ron ‘Ripper ‘ Hines is remembered as one of two Blues who suffered the anguish of being dropped from the team prior to the infamous 1945 ‘Bloodbath’ Grand Final. The other player to miss out was fellow wingman Fred Fitzgibbon, who was suspended for four weeks by the VFL Tribunal after Carlton’s sensational victory over Collingwood in the previous week’s Preliminary Final.

Born in Ballarat, but living in Melbourne when war was declared, Hines enlisted for service with the RAAF in 1942. While training at various establishments around Melbourne – including Point Cook and Laverton – Ron played as often as possible with his home team – Coburg District – as well as with the Air Force in inter-service matches.

In 1943, he found his way to Princes Park, and was given his first opportunity at senior level in a vital game against Essendon at Windy Hill in round 14. Wearing guernsey number 11, Hines started on a wing (alongside Bob Chitty, in the centre) as Carlton won a tense, dour struggle by 3 points. His second game was that year’s first Semi Final against Fitzroy, which ended in a 51-point hiding for the Blues.

Over the next two years, Hines was a regular senior player. His 20 matches on a wing or at half-forward in 1945 included Carlton’s easy victory over North Melbourne in one Semi Final, followed by a stirring win over Collingwood in a bitter and physical Preliminary Final. In the aftermath of that bloody clash, Carlton’s Fred Fitzgibbon was found guilty of striking Collingwood enforcer Len Hustler, and suspended by the tribunal for four matches. A few days later, Hines also suffered a huge disappointment when he was omitted from the Grand Final team to play South Melbourne, and replaced by Alex Way. As has been extensively documented, Carlton then went on to beat the Bloods by 28 points in the most spiteful and controversial Premiership play-off of them all.

However, Hines’ dignified reaction to his omission from the flag side, and his genuine joy at Carlton’s achievement, endeared him to his team-mates. Rather than sulking, he was as keen as ever over the following two seasons, even though he was never the first player picked each week. He missed out on a place in another dramatic Grand Final victory for the Blues in 1947, and bid farewell to VFL football after Essendon defeated the Blues by 28 points at Princes Park in round 6, 1948.

Ron Hines created enormous confusion at Preston when he joined fellow wingman and pre-war player Ron Hind on the list. Fortunately for spectators, Hines (the Carlton player) managed just 16 games in his two years with Preston.

Ron died aged 95 years old on January 6, 2019.


50 Games: Round 8, 1947 Vs Geelong

Former player Colin Holt passes

Colin Holt (middle row, second from left) passed away, aged 84. (Photo: Supplied)

It’s doubtful that any Carlton player before or since has completed a more controversial senior debut than Colin Holt, the 20-game former half-forward who died last Saturday at the age of 84. 

Originally recruited to the club from neighbouring Brunswick, Holt toiled for six seasons at Under 19 and reserve grade level before getting his first senior call up – in the 10th Round of 1955 against Footscray at Princes Park.

The 21 year-old didn’t hold back. He got reported and was subsequently suspended for eight matches for kicking Footscray captain-coach Charlie Sutton no less.

All this on a day in which Carlton defender Harry Caspar, in his last appearance for the club, also had his number taken for striking Dave Bryden – for which the Tribunal duly imposed a four-match ban he never served. 

The Argus’ Peter Banfield, in covering Holt’s Tribunal hearing on the night of Tuesday, June 29, 1955, reported that an obviously upset Holt had told the Chairman that he had tried to push Sutton out the way, but had not kicked the Footscray “Iron Man”. 

“‘It was my first League game,” he (Holt) said emotionally. ‘I had never struck anyone before as hard to get past as Sutton’,” Banfield noted. 

Despite Holt’s and Sutton’s view that the former hadn’t delivered a kick, the Tribunal sided with the reporting field umpire Alan Nash that the toe of Holt’s boot had made contact with Sutton’s leg between the knee and ankle in the second quarter. 

News of the sensational hearing was splashed across the back page of The Argus, together with a photograph of a relaxed Holt and Sutton awaiting the Tribunal verdict.

Holt’s senior lapse bellied his steadiness at both Under 19 and reserve grade level at Princes Park, which saw him feature in the 1948 and ’51 Premierships with the Unders and take out the reserves’ Most Consistent Award in ’57.

In making his senior debut, Holt became the 693rd Carlton footballer since 1897 to achieve the feat. His career would span 20 games in total, the last of them the Round 10, 1957 contest with Collingwood at Victoria Park. 

Through 1958 and ’59, Holt managed a further 21 senior appearances for Richmond.

Colin Francis Holt died at the Village Glen Retirement Facility. He is survived by his beloved wife Jacqueline, daughter Colleen, sons Daryl and Russell, daughter-in-law Michelle, son-in-law Mick and seven grandchildren.

His funeral took place yesterday morning (Thursday, November 8) at the Rosebud Funeral Chapel on Jetty Road, followed by private cremation.

2018 Victorian AFLPA Alumni Golf Day

The 2018 Victorian AFLPA Alumni Golf Day, brought to you by Keiser, is ‘back’ at the stunning Moonah Links Golf Club on Friday 30th November 2018.

We will again be running two competitions on the day – one for those players with an official GA handicap and one for those without handicaps.

So grab some former teammates and RSVP quickly to avoid disappointment.


’79 premiership player Young passes away

Tony De Bolfo, Carlton Media 

Carlton premiership wingman Michael Young, pictured here between Harmes and Johnston wearing the guernsey of his vanquished Collingwood opponent late on Grand Final day in 1979, has passed away after a long illness. - Carlton,Carlton Blues,AFLCarlton premiership wingman Michael Young, pictured here between Harmes and Johnston wearing the guernsey of his vanquished Collingwood opponent late on Grand Final day in 1979, has passed away after a long illness.

MEMBERS of Carlton’s 1979 premiership team will gather for next year’s 40th anniversary of the Grand Final triumph over Collingwood minus one, with the premature passing of wingman Michael Young.

Young died in Melbourne after a long battle with cancer this morning, three months to the day short of his 60th birthday.

Recruited to Carlton from the Hobart-based Clarence in 1977, Young inherited the No.19 of the 1972 premiership back-pocket John O’Connell, who in late 1989 himself succumbed to cancer at the age of 38.

Young took out Carlton’s reserve grade best-and-fairest award in ’77. The following season, in thr 15th round of that year against St Kilda at inhospitable Moorabbin, he completed his senior debut.

Though the late Denis Collins’ presence on a wing curtailed Young’s senior appearances through 1978, a series of solid showings at reserve grade level through mid-’79 warranted his recall . . . and timing as they say is everything.

Young was part of Carlton’s emphatic semi-final victory over North Melbourne at VFL Park. He was just 20 years old and 22 senior appearances into his senior career when he played his part in the feted outfit, captained and coached by Alex Jesaulenko, which prevailed by five points on a wet deck on Grand Final day.

The following season, Young turned out in 15 senior matches including both finals, but after 37 senior games in total was moved on at the completion of a particularly trying season for the Club. Relocating to Melbourne, Young represented the Redlegs in 15 more matches through two seasons until his delisting in 1982, and despite briefly training with Essendon subsequently gave the game away.

Michael Young played 37 games for the Blues, including the triumphant 1979 Grand Final.

A fellow member of the ’79 team which delivered Carlton’s 12th League premiership was the three-time premiership player Ken Sheldon, who said of Young: “Michael was a very talented, charismatic and loyal teammate who ran his opponents around in circles . . . and often some of his teammates too”.

Another team member, the four-time premiership player David McKay, said: “Michael was a champion fellow and a very good player for Carlton in a premiership season”.

“I know Michael had been ill and undergoing treatment in The Alfred for quite a while. The old Carlton runner Brendan O’Sullivan was a regular visitor to him and ‘Curly’ Austin, Barry Armstrong and Alex Marcou had also been in to see him,” McKay said.

“I spoke to him a couple of weeks ago and thought he was on the mend. He was going into rehab and was even considering fronting up to our most recent Spirit of Carlton function, but it wasn’t to be.”

Nineteen members of Carlton’s premiership 20 of 1979, including the inaugural Norm Smith Medallist Wayne Harmes, are still living. Most of them will gather at Prahran’s College Lawn Hotel this week to raise a glass to their old teammate.

The team was as follows:

Backs: Wayne Harmes, Geoff Southby, David McKay

Half-backs: Peter McConville, Bruce Doull, Robbert Klomp

Centres: Peter Francis, Alex Jesaulenko (cc), Michael Young

Half-forwards: Wayne Johnston, Mark Maclure, Trevor Keogh

Forwards: Mike Fitzpatrick, Peter Brown, Ken Sheldon

Followers: Peter Jones, Barry Armstrong, Jim Buckley

Interchange: Rod Austin, Alex Marcou

Former Blue Boyle passes away

Tony De Bolfo, Carlton Media

Former Blue Alex Boyle has passed away at the age of 88. (Photo: Boyles Studio) - Carlton,Carlton Blues,AFL,Ikon ParkFormer Blue Alex Boyle has passed away at the age of 88. (Photo: Boyles Studio)

ALEX Boyle, Carlton’s resident full-back in eight senior matches through 1953 and ’54, has died at the age of 88 after a long illness.

Considered the logical successor to the premiership-winning full-back Ollie Grieve, Boyle joined the Club from Oakleigh having earned a reputation in VFA circles as a dashing defender of renown. Prior to 1949, he’d played for rival Association club Frankston where his on-field prowess was identified by Carlton’s 1938 premiership captain-coach Brighton Diggins.

In football terms, Boyle was hot property. On June 25, 1952, The Argus reported that Oakleigh had finally relented in clearing Boyle, who’d stood out of the game for the opening 10 games of that season out of frustration in not earning a Carlton clearance.

The Devils’ move meant that Boyle’s new club had acquired what The Argus correspondent noted was “one of the most sought after VFA footballers for years”.

“Two other League clubs – South Melbourne and Footscray – were anxious to secure the services of Boyle,” the writer observed.

“Footscray tried to sign him in 1950, 1951 and again early this season. South Melbourne failed to obtain permission from Oakleigh to interview him in 1950. Boyle trained at Carlton four years ago and the club unsuccessfully sought him last year.”

Former Blue Alex Boyle. (Photo: Boyles Studio)

Named at full-back between Bruce Comben and Brian Molony, the 23-year-old Boyle completed his senior debut in Dark Navy against Footscray in the opening round of season 1953 – the same game in which a future Brownlow Medallist John James turned out for the first time.

Inaccuracy in front of goal cost Carlton the four points that Saturday afternoon – 7.18 (60) to the Bulldogs’ 9.11 (65) – and Boyle did not represent the team again that season.

On the Wednesday after the match, Boyle’s name appeared in The Argus beneath the headline PROBLEM FOR BLUES.

The unnamed reporter noted that the chief worry facing Carlton selectors was finding a successor to Boyle at full-back.

“Boyle leaves on an overseas business trip this week and may not be available again this season,” the correspondent wrote.

This week, Boyle’s son Phil revealed the circumstances behind his father’s sudden departure.

“Dad got a lucrative offer to be foreman for the construction of a cantilever crane on Christmas Island,” Phil said.

“They used to load phosphate onto ships by hand over there and Dad, who was a structural engineer, arranged for the crane to shovel it out.”

Boyle wore the guernsey No.5 of Sam Petrevski-Seton into the Footscray match and then the No.6 of Kade Simpson through a further seven senior appearances in ’54 – the last of them against Geelong in Round 18 at Kardinia Park.

Later cleared by the club, Boyle took up the role of senior coach for Pearcedale in the then Mornington Peninsula Football League in 1955.

“Dad took on a series of coaching jobs throughout in country Victoria and he was captain-coach of Narrandera Imperials in New South Wales,” Phil said.

“He played on into his mid-30s but he copped a crook hip which meant he didn’t go to watch many Carlton games later on. I can only remember a couple of occasions where he went along to watch, but having said that he always followed Carlton with interest and Carlton was his team.”

Boyle was the 662nd player to represent the Carlton Football Club at senior level since the VFL’s foundation season of 1897.

Two of Boyle’s old Carlton contemporaries, Ron Robertson and Peter Webster, remembered Boyle, but acknowledged that after 65 years, memories of their former teammate are all too fleeting.

In terms of the character of the man, Boyle’s son Phil, who was putting the finishing touches to his father’s eulogy when contacted for this story, offered the following:

“Dad was intelligent and hard-working. For more than a dozen years he worked seven days a week because the family store was burnt out up at Narrandera, we lost a lot and when Dad came back he was fighting to get back on top again,” Phil said.

“He wasn’t one for detail. He didn’t watch a movie or read a picture book. If it wasn’t real he wasn’t interested. As I say in my eulogy, he was a real man – an old fashioned sort of person in that way. Life was tough growing up, his parents broke up and I think he was loyal to all his friends because of that.”

Alexander (Alex) William Boyle died peacefully in Frankston Hospital on July 29. He was a husband to Catherine and formerly Pat (deceased), father to Bruce (deceased), Mal and Phil, step-father to Michael and Kristy. He was also a much-loved grandfather and great grandfather.

A celebration of Boyle’s life will be held at the Rosebud Funeral Chapel, 123 Jetty Road, Rosebud, on Wednesday, August 8, 2018, commencing 2.30 pm.

Andy McKinnon’s 50th

Happy 50th birthday to Andrew McKinnon.


Career: 1989–1990
Debut: Round 1, 1989 vs Footscray, aged 20 years, 247 days
956th Carlton Player
Games: 15
Goals: 7
Last game: Round 22, 1990 vs Fitzroy, aged 22 years, 35 days
Guernsey No. 47 (1989 – 1990)
Height: 175cm
Weight: 79kg
DOB: 28 July, 1968

Andy McKinnon came to Carlton from outer-eastern Olinda as a solidly built, promising rover-forward, and spent almost two seasons with the Blues’ Reserves team before gaining senior selection in 1989.

After showing promise in his first dozen games, he suffered a serious foot injury that prematurely ended his career in just his second year.

McKinnon was a Premiership Player at Reserves Level in 1990.

McKinnon also wore No.51 (1985), 54 1987, 59 (1986) and 60 (1986) whilst playing in the Blues reserves.

Career Highlights

1986 – George Armstrong Medal – U/19’s Best & Fairest Award
1985 – 2nd U/19’s Best & Fairest
1988 – 2nd Reserves Best & Fairest
1989 – 2nd Reserves Best & Fairest
1990 – 5th Reserves Best & Fairest
1990 – Reserves Premiership Player

Past and present combine at Ikon Park

Tony De Bolfo, Carlton Media

Some of Carlton's past and present players and officials come together at Ikon Park. (Photo: Jonathan Di Maggio) - Carlton,Carlton Blues,AFL,Ikon Park

Some of Carlton’s past and present players and officials come together at Ikon Park. (Photo: Jonathan Di Maggio)

IF ever a photograph best reflected the “Bound By Blue” ethos it’s this one – a photo, recently captured at Ikon Park, of the Club’s players and officials past and present rubbing shoulders with the President Mark LoGiudice, senior coach Brendon Bolton and the Carlton players of today.

The image was taken at a meet-and-greet which followed a training session at the old ground last Saturday morning. Amongst those sharing the moment were premiership players Warren Jones, Andy Lukas, Alex Marcou, Ian Robertson, Sergio Silvagni and Geoff Southby, together with assistant coach David Teague and the outgoing Head of Football Andrew McKay.

Other former players sharing the moment with Murphy, Cripps, Curnow, Kreuzer and co. included Leon Berner, Vin Cattoggio and Bob Crowe, together with reserve-grade players Max Dixon, Greg Kazuro and Tony Zoanetti.

Long-serving club property stewards Ken Kleiman and Wayne ‘Bulldog’ Gilbert were amongst the many Old Dark Navy Blues lending their support to the club, not because it was up, but because it was down – a statement of solidarity from those whose love for Carlton only intensifies with the passing years.

Jim Plunkett’s 40th

Happy 40th birthday to Jim Plunkett


Career: 2001-2003
Debut: Round 5, 2001 vs St Kilda, aged 22 years, 276 days
1044th Carlton Player
Games: 37 (Carlton)
Goals: 14
Last Game: Round 21, 2003 vs Hawthorn, aged 25 years, 27 days
Guernsey No. 40 (2001 – 2003).
Height: 179cm
Weight: 79kg
DOB: 26 July, 1978

Jimmy Plunkett was a small right-footed inside midfielder with the ability to find the ball. Wearing the #40, Plunkett would come to Carlton through the Rookie Draft, after being delisted by the Bulldogs after 10 games through 1999 and 2000.

Plunkett, a red-head, would play 15 games in 2001 including a magnificent 34 possession game against the Crows in the finals. With 22 kicks and 12 handballs, Plunkett – or simply “Jimmy” or “JP” as he was known, was dynamic as the Blues crunched the Crows with Whitnall and Lappin also starring. Although we lost to the Tigers in the following week, Plunkett’s performance was eye-catching and we thought we had stolen a centreman through the Rookie List.

Plunkett played 18 games in 2002, with a number of high possession games (up to 24 on 3 occasions), although he had a few low ones also.

Plunkett did not have the size or pace of your standard AFL player, he earned the ball through burrowing in and out of packs. Good with his hands, Plunkett also had a limited kicking distance.

Incoming Coach Pagan did not seem to see the merits of Jimmy in 2003, keeping him in the VFL for all but 4 games (2 as a late replacement), and when he was selected for Carlton, he received minimum game time and had minimal impact. Plunkett would continue to perform at VFL level, but he was the sort of player who was caught with the ball so often – through getting it in the first place but not getting rid of it quick enough. Plunkett was released at the end of 2003.

In 2004 Plunkett and Blues teammate Andrew Eccles played with VFL club North Ballarat.

Off the field, Plunkett was also famous for starring in the “Avagoodweegend Mr Walker” Aerogard commercials in the 1980s as the little boy with former Test Fast Bowler Max Walker.

Plunkett was originally recruited from Montmorency.

Career Highlights

2001 – 4th Reserves Best & Fairest