Those of us of a certain vintage would remember well the old Four ‘n’ Twenty pies commercial with greats such as Jack ‘Captain Blood’ Dyer and Ted ‘Mr Football’ Whitten. It is a rollicking tune with a group of footballers on a bus. On the way back from Kukerin while watching the 1979 premiership DVD, Bob Lowrie must have looked around the bus we were travelling in and had some flashbacks to this great old ad. So an idea was born and the ‘Spirit of Carlton’ singers belted out their own rendition of the ad on a stop somewhere between Wagin and Dumbleyung.
Senior statesman of the group Ken Kleiman took up the Jack Dyer role with gusto and Geoff Southby and David McKay provided great leadership in the singalong. If any Four ‘n’ Twenty executives read this article and wish to use the Spirit of Carlton singers for any future advertisements just get your people to talk to our people.